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Example of Using Sensory Characteristics
The text from Einstein’s Theory of Thermal Equilibrium between the two horizontal lines is the required reading for this week's home work assignment.
Einstein’s Theory of Thermal Equilibrium
In the expression thus obtained, the arbitrary constant that has to be added to the quantity E does not affect the result, and the third term, denoted "const.," is independent of V and T. The expression for the entropy e is strange, because it depends solely on E and T, but no longer reveals the special form of E as the sum of potential and kinetic energy. This fact suggests that our results are more general than the mechanical model used, the more so as the expression for h found in §3 shows the same property.
Why Is This a Compliant?
If it is important to the content author to note the horizontal lines, they may keep that reference if they also provide a redundancy in text equivalence. This sample provides reference to a heading for the content, an anchor link to the content, and the visual reference thus providing multiple means of understanding.